Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to questions commonly asked by our Constituents! If you do not see the Answer to the question you have, please feel free to contact us and we will get right back to you!
QUESTION: Can I turn off my System in the Winter Time when I am Gone?
ANSWER: No. The System needs to remain on throughout the year, regardless of occupancy.
QUESTION: What should I do to keep my Septic System healthy?
ANSWER: You can add Biological Enzymes like Amylase, Protease, Cellulase, and Lipase. Rid-X, Tri-Zyme, and ZEP-O-Zyme are examples of commercial products which you can purchase to add to your Tank. Keep an eye on water usage; too much water usage will cause problems in your system as well as too little. Do not add toxic substances, metals, medications, and non-biodegradable solids.
QUESTION: How often should I have my Septic Tank Inspected and/or Pumped?
ANSWER: This depends upon usage, Mat-Thickness, Water Column, and Sludge. The Health of the System depends upon proper enzyme and bacterial balance, water usage, and what you are allowing into the system. If you are concerned about your System, we will come out and inspect it and take corrective action, should you require it. In a system that has year-round occupancy, with two people living there, it would be a good idea to have the Tank inspected once every three-to-five years. In systems that have only part-time occupancy, this time-frame will vary.
QUESTION: What sized tank do I need if I am going to upgrade or build a new house?
ANSWER: You will need to purchase a 1500 gallon, precast, concrete tank. This tank will have a solid side and an effluent side, and will have baffles. It is the first step in the Treatment Process for wastewater. This is where all of the Bacteria and Enzymes begin to break down the biological matter in the Wastewater.
QUESTION: May I share a Tank with my Neighbors?
ANSWER: Kalispell Bay Sewer District does not allow shared tanks. If you are re-modelling, upgrading or building a new house, you will need to have a separate tank installed. If you are currently sharing a tank, K.B.S.D. will allow it until such time as a problem arises with the tank. When this occurs, a separate tank will need to be put in at the Home-owners expense.
QUESTION: Do Vacant Lots need to be connected to the Sewer System?
ANSWER: It depends on what you are doing with the Lot. If it is not being utilized for anything, the District, while still wanting to see the infrastructure developed, will not likely pursue having it developed. If you are utilizing it for vacation camping in trailers or developing it in any way, then yes, the District will require you to have it connected to the System.
QUESTION: Do you accept Credit Cards?
ANSWER: At this time, no, we do not accept Credit Cards.
QUESTION: Can I attend Sewer District Meetings?
ANSWER: YES!!!! PLEASE!!! We want our Constituents to be involved with their Sewer District. After all, it is the Citizens' District. We want to be helpful and transparent, but it is difficult to do that without Community Interest. So, please attend! If you have an issue, concern, or kudos and you would like to speak at the Meetings, please let us know seven (7) days in advance of the meeting date so that we can get you on the Agenda. If you are unable to attend the District Meetings, you can send us an email or letter with your Concern (etc.), and we will discuss it, then follow up with you, should you desire that.
QUESTION: If my Septic Tank overflows, who do I call?
ANSWER: Us! You can call the Office at (208)-443-2338. Or, if it is an Emergency, please call the District Operations Manager at (208) 946-3842.
QUESTION: Can I put an Alarm Panel in, instead of a Breaker Panel Box for my Sewer System?
ANSWER: Yes. Kalispell bay Sewer District prefers that you install an Alarm Panel. At this time, it is not required to do so. However, the District is not responsible for overflows and resulting damage. An Alarm Panel is a mitigation factor against extensive damage to your property and the environment. It allows a problem to be addressed prior to it becoming an Emergency. If you have questions about installing an Alarm Panel at your new Construction, or upgrading existing facilities, please feel free to get in touch with us!
QUESTION: How do I obtain information about the Sewer District?
ANSWER: Ask us. Everything that we do is Public Record. And we are dedicated to being Transparent. If you would like to know anything about how we Operate, what is said in the Public Meetings, you are curious about what happens here, or anything else that pertains to the Public Workings of Kalispell Bay Sewer District, let us know, and we will get your Questions Answered!
QUESTION: Can I schedule a Tour of the Treatment Plant?
ANSWER: Yes! Absolutely. Wastewater Treatment is a complex issue. If you would like a tour of the Lagoon Facility, Lift Stations and/or District Office, you are welcome. Please call the District Office to Schedule a Tour!
QUESTION: What is an E.R.?
ANSWER: E.R. in this instance means "Equivalent Residence." The Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) is a standardized unit of measure implemented by many SWUs that is used to equate non-residential or multi-family residential properties to a specific number of single-family residences.
Kalispell Bay Meeting Public Meeting Schedule:
December 12, 2022
January 9, 2023
February 13, 2023
March 13, 2023
April 10, 2023
May 8, 2023
June 10, 2023 - Saturday
July 10, 2023
August 14, 2023
September 11, 2023
October 9, 2023
November 13, 2023