Kalispell Bay Sewer District provides Waste Waster Management and Treatment Services for the Residents within our Boundaries. We are involved in every step from the initial construction of your dwelling to the continual Maintenance of your Residential System.

Lagoon Treatment Plant
Waste Water is basically everything that is flushed, rinsed, washed, collected and otherwise allowed into the Septic System. Showers, Laundry wash water, baths, and flushes are all collected and sent to our Treatment Lagoon, where it sits and breaks down, then it is pumped into a Chlorine Contact Chamber for disinfection, and irrigated on to different Zones in the Treatment Facility Land Application.

Management Plans
Our Facility Plans are designed to Operate a Waste Water Management Facility. They take into account the Average Daily Flows, Composition of Flows, Forced Pressure Mains, Lift Stations, Emergency Plans, Goals for the District, Local, State & Federal Laws, and Lessons Learned to properly Operate your Sewer District.

Residential Septic Tanks
Each Resident within Kalispell Bay Sewer District is responsible for the initial Purchase of the Septic System, from the Pump and Pipes, to the Tank and Electrical Installation that operates it. Kalispell Bay Sewer District Maintains the System. This is the first step in treating the Wastewater. It is collected in your "Solids Chamber" where it will sit and breakdown until enough is collected for the effluent to spill over into the "Effluent Chamber." It will remain in here, breaking down further, until it trips a float switch, which will then pump the wastewater into our Forced Main System.

STEP System
Kalispell Bay Sewer District is what is known as a STEP System. STEP is an acronym for Septic Tank Effluent Pump. According to the Interwebs: "The STEP System includes a septic tank and a pump. Sewage is conveyed by gravity to the tank through your building plumbing line. Liquid waste is pumped under pressure to the public sewer system. Solid waste will remain in the STEP tank where it naturally degrades and is eventually pumped out." Kalispell Bay Sewer District was a pioneer in the Field of STEP Systems, and was either the first one in the United States, or nearly that. Interesting bit of History!
Lift Stations
The Lift Stations are the working Stations that lift all of the Effluent Wastewater up to out Treatment Plant. Each Residential Tank is connected to a Sub-Main, which is connected to a Lift Station. The Effluent is transferred from the Tank to a Lift Station, where it is then transferred under pressure to our Treatment Lagoons. These stations are monitored for flows so that a monthly report can be generated as to how much effluent is pumped into and out of them.

Pumping Services & Maintenance
When we have a Residential Tank that needs Maintenance, we have a Vacuum Truck that can pump the tank. The Tank is then Cleaned and the required Maintenance is performed. If you would like us to look at your tank and ensure that it is operating properly, please feel free to contact us.